Expectations & Policies
Expectations & Policies
These core values are the foundation for the policies and procedures of Ōtūmoetai College:
Striving for Excellence – (Kimihia tōu ake maunga teitei) – Collective and individual responsibility to be the best we can.
Working Together – (Whakakōtahitanga) – Productive and trusting learning relationships.
Respecting One and All – (Whakakoha tētahi ki tētahi) – A culture of inclusiveness.
Standing Strong – (Tūpakari i tōku ao/te ao) – Self belief with integrity.
School Wide Expectations (non-negotiable):
- Correct Uniform to be worn
- Out of Class – pass from teacher required
- Punctuality – in class on time and no leaving before the bell
- Attendance – being present in class
- Behaviour for Learning – being engaged in the learning
- Mobile phones cannot be used in class for texting or making calls
International Student Expectations (non-negotiable):
- Must comply with the requirements of the Student Visa
- Must comply with the Travel Policy
- Must be respectful of Host family guidelines for appropriate behaviour
- Be respectful of New Zealand laws and culture e.g. wearing a helmet when cycling
- Must not drive any form of motorised transport except e-bikes and scooters (300 Watts maximum)
- Students must not use tobacco, alcohol or any illegal drugs