Learning Support
Learning Support
Our purpose is to deliver an exciting and imaginative curriculum which empowers students to reach their academic, social and emotional potential.
We promote independence and use of technology, while providing unique, varied and exciting pathways to meet the needs of all our vulnerable learners.
Our learning environment is:
- Responsive
- Optimistic
- Welcoming and caring

Our Vision
To provide a supportive, nurturing and safe environment, where at risk students can aspire to be socially, emotionally and educationally the best they can be.
- Responsibility – Takohanga
- Co-operation – Mahi Tahi
- Integrity – Ngakau Tapatahi
- Courage – Hautoa
- Respect – Whaka – ute
Supporting all our learners and developing resilience and thinking through:
- Kindness – Ngakau Atawhai
- Understanding – Māramatanga
- Trust – Whakawhirinaki
- Perseverance – U-tonu-tanga