Clubs & Activities
Clubs & Activities
There are a number of different clubs and activities running at Ōtūmoetai College. Getting involved in one of these can be a great way for students to connect with like-minded others.
In a big school, it can sometimes be difficult for students, particularly new students, to find out about what is going on around the school outside the classroom.
Getting involved in clubs or activities can offer alternative or additional options for students as well as Sport and Performing Arts. Some of these take place only on occasion, while others happen on a regular basis. Not everything that is available is listed here.
It is also worth checking the notices on a regular basis to find out what’s happening around the school.

Debating is an academic sport, focused on developing a strong argument and confident public speaking.
Sign up for senior students starts in February, with the Russell McVeagh Regional Competition in April/May of each year. We also have regular debates against schools in the region.
Junior debating is generally done within the English programme, with opportunities for year 9 and 10 students to get further involved as the year progresses
For more information contact Mrs Ward at

Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Aotearoa Award
This is an International Youth Achievement Award open to any student in year 10 and above.
There are three levels Bronze, Silver and Gold. It has 4 major components: Physical recreation, Skills, Voluntary Service and Adventurous Journey (plus Residential Project at Gold level).
The commitment is an hour a week to the various component parts. Adventurous journeys are generally between October and May.
Meetings are held as needed.
Applications are made and paid for online at
For more information contact Mrs Brown at

Model United Nations
MUNA is open to students of all ages to participate in various regional debates. It is a fun, lively and academic pursuit where preparation and spontaneity are used in equal measure.
Students are put in to a mock UN Assembly where they represent a foreign country and debate to reach a common resolution on wide ranging but pertinent issues such as climate change, water scarcity, refugees, sports and politics and proposed peace.
Otumoetai College has a strong tradition of participation, enjoyment and success at both regional, inter-regional and national level, and two of our former students have represented New Zealand at the international Assembly in The Hague.
For more information contact Mrs Smythe at

Music Groups
There are a number of music groups that meet regularly and some take part in local competitions. These groups include:
- Symphonic Band
- Jazz Band
- Guitar Group
- Chamber Music Ensembles
- Rock Bands
- String Group
- Choir
For more information contact our Arts Co-ordinator, Mrs Johnston, at

The robotics club designs, builds and takes part in competitions using Vex Robotics components.
The competitions are held locally, nationally and internationally, with local competitions taking place every 3 or 4 weeks and the nationals and internationals only once a year.
Students meet during lunch breaks and they can meet each weekend when they need more time.
They meet in the Electronics room off the courtyard opposite C9, in the Technology block.
For more information contact Mr Wessels at

Rock Climbing Club
Rock-climbing is a growing sport globally, especially after the rise in awareness after the Tokyo Olympics. Climbing regularly will improve your flexibility, encourage muscle growth, and improve coordination.
Whether you are new to climbing or have a lot of experience already, Rock-Climbing Club can be beneficial to everyone of any year level. Beginners are taught common climbing terms, how to belay, and different climbing techniques.
Secondary School competitions are held twice a year and we hope to get people trained and registered so one day we can win as Top School.
Rock-Climbing Club is every Wednesday at the school’s rock climbing wall in the Action Centre. Come along and have fun!
For more information, contact Eva Karena at

Takitumu Hub
Kia orana, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Noa’ia, Talofa lava, Mauri, Mālō e lelei, Tālofa, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Mālō ni and warm Pacific greetings.
Takitumu Hub is on every Tuesday after school until 5.00pm. We provide a quiet space for students with access to Chromebooks and teachers are available to support the learning.
Afternoon tea and a cooked dinner are provided. We warmly welcome parents and siblings to come along. For more information contact Ms Nicola Hawkes

Impact Christian Group
Underground is the school Christian group. We meet every Friday lunchtime in D12.
Everyone is welcome – we have students from all year levels and from all different youth groups and churches as well as kids who have no church involvement.
We do “serious” things as well having sessions that are just social.
It’s a great place to meet new friends, have fun and figure out some of the big questions in life.
For more information contact Mr Buxton

Vista Foundation 48 Hour Film Competition
The Vista Foundation 48 Hour Film Competition is a group film-making competition where groups will write, film and edit a short film in 48 hours.
Last year roughly 40 students were involved to some degree.
For more information contact Mr Buxton at