Year 9 Camps
Year 9 Camps
All Year 9 students, as part of our school programme, participate in a one-night two-day camp between mid February and the end of March (weather permitting).
The camp is at Oteora, the school’s own campsite in the Kaimai Ranges, on land generously gifted to the college by the Mackersey family in 1978. The object of this programme is to act as a team building activity for the class using Outdoor Education and Star activities.
Adventure Works Limited, are contracted to run our camps, providing 2 highly trained outdoor education staff. Stars Peer Mentors, a group of six year 12 and 13 students attend camp to run the STARs programme activities.
Students sleep in segregated tents (provided) for one night. Cooking is done by pupils in groups using gas burners and BBQ’s under a sheltered cooking /dining area. Part of the exercise is to have students plan, purchase and cook their own meals in small groups of their own choosing. Spare food is always on site in case of problems.
A tramp takes place within a kilometre of the camp site and is not too strenuous for students of this age. At least three staff accompany the class on the tramp, including one Adventure Works staff member who will carry an InReach satellite communication device. Cell contact and an all terrain vehicle are present for emergencies only.
Typically, departure time is 9.00am on the morning of the camp. Return time is 3.00pm the day following. Postponements due to weather do happen and parents will be notified through your child, email and possibly a phone call.