A-Z of General Information
A-Z of General Information

Absences – How to report them ….
If your student is absent from school, please contact the ‘Attendance Office’ via phone on 576-2316 and press ‘1’ for ‘Attendance’ and leave a voice mail message providing students full name, form class (if known) and year level. Please repeat the details as poor cellphone networks signals sometimes cut out parts of a message.
Or email absence@otc.school.nz providing the same details as above.
Or send a text to the following number: 022 567 0166
Absences – Long Term
The Ministry of Education does not grant leave. In the case of long term absences (holidays/overseas travel) the family/ caregiver must write a letter to the Principal requesting leave well in advance of any planned absence.
Under the Education Act, attendance at school is compulsory unless a student is unable to attend because of sickness, danger of infection, sudden and serious illness of a parent, severe stress or bereavement.
In order to maximise learning opportunities our students will have full attendance.
Families/ whanau / caregiver should call or email the school, to inform the attendance officer of the reason for a justified absence.
The family / whanau / caregiver of any student who is absent from two consecutive periods at the start of the day, without explanation, will receive a text message alerting them to the absence.
Absences which have not been explained on the day by phone call, email or text should be explained with a note or email to a student’s form teacher when the student returns to school.
On missing an assessment students must provide a medical certificate.
Leave is granted for students going to a doctor/dentist, but they and/or their parents must bring a note/appointment card to the Attendance officer to obtain a leave pass.
Bank Account
Ōtūmoetai College Board
Bank Account Number: 12-3194-0033970-00
Reference: Student Name / ID Number / Detail what it is for or Resource No.
If you require an Automatic Payment Form please download it here.
Canteen Menu
Check out our awesome selection of food at our school Canteen.
Click here to download our Canteen Menu
Dental Information & Registration
FREE On-Site Dental Care Under 18’s.
The Mobile Dental Unit will be at Ōtūmoetai College during the year.
If you have students who are under 18 and are not attending a local Dentist you can enrol them for free yearly dental care with the team at the School.
To register for this Dental Service online please click here.
If students require treatment for relief of pain, and are enrolled with our service, they will be seen immediately, either on site or wherever we are located locally.
If you have any queries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to phone or text the Dental Team. We are here to help you. Our phone number is 027 807 2038.
Let’s work together to ensure our Adolescents have excellent oral health as they move into Adulthood.
If you require information on your students’ fee account please phone the office on 576-2316 ext. 815.
If you require an Automatic Payment Form please download it here.
Our School bank account details are as follows:
Ōtūmoetai College Board
ASB Account Number: 12-3194-0033970-00
Reference: Student Name / ID Number / Detail what it is for or Resource No.
Health & Safety CCTV Procedure
Mobile Phone Away For The Day Policy
Regulations from Term 2, 2024 (please view the link above).
NCEA Examination Timetable 2025
Ōtūmoetai College Email Addresses (SLT, HODs & Deans)
Ōtūmoetai College Email Addresses (whole staff, alphabetical by surname)
Project K
The Graeme Dingle Foundation Western Bay of Plenty delivers Project K, a 14-month programme for Year 10 and Year 11 students. It uses the backdrop of New Zealand’s beautiful outdoors to help 13–15 year olds who lack self-confidence or with other factors holding their development back.
The programme inspires young people to reach their full potential through building self-confidence, teaching essential life skills such as goal setting and team work, promoting good health and a positive attitude.
Click here to read more information about Project K.
School Photos
The College engages Photolife to take our ID, Class and Sports photos.
Approximately Week 3 of Term 1 our Class and ID photos are taken by Photolife in the PAC.
Usually at the end of March, students are each given a document with a unique ordering number (Shoot Key Number) in form class. An email is also sent to parents/caregivers the same day.
At this point all Parents/Caregivers will be able to view and order photos on-line directly through Photolife.
If you do not have access to on-line facilities, you can collect a Photolife envelope from the main college office.
Photolife envelopes can be filled out (including your money) and left at the School Office until the end of Term 1.
After the end of Term 1 parents must post their orders direct to Photolife in a Photolife envelope.