Student Leadership

Student Leadership


There are a number of opportunities for students at Ōtūmoetai College to take on leadership roles across a range of aspects of school life.

There are up to 36 formal student leadership positions at the school, made up as follows:

4 Head Students – 2 boy and 2 girls

2 Leaders of the The Arts (Creative & Visual) Committees
2 Leaders of the Environment Committee
2 Leaders of the Hauora Committee
2 Leaders of the Mentoring Committee
2 Leaders of the Pasefika Committee
2 Leaders of the Publicity Committee

2 Leaders of the Ruamano Committee
2 Leaders of the Special Events Committee
2 Leaders of the Sports Committee
2 Leaders of the SVA (Student Volunteer Army) Committee
2 Leaders of each of the 5 Māunga groups
1 Board of Trustees Student Representative (elected)

Effective Leadership

An effective leader demonstrates:

  • Reliability
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Initiative and motivation
  • Time management and organisation
  • Clear communication skills
  • Relatability and humour

Committee responsibilities

Arts Creative & Visual : organisation of entertainment at school events and promoting art exhibitions
Environment : promotion of environmental awareness and sustainable practices schoolwide
Hauora : promotion health initiatives and wellbeing
Mentoring: promotion of academic mentoring and tutoring and peer mediation training
Pasefika: promotion of cultural awareness
Publicity: production of multimedia and social media content to promote events and activities
Ruamano: promotion and facilitation of cultural events and activities
Special Events : organisation of Year 13 Leavers Dinner and School Ball and other events
Sports: promotion of school sports events, activities and competitions
Student Volunteer Army (SVA): promotion of SVA and supporting volunteerism
